Category: Development
The Tiled Map Editor and Unity3d
If you’ve been around game development for any length of time, you have probably heard of the Tiled Map Editor. It is a great open-source editor that supports orthogonal, isometric, and hexagonal maps. I’ve been eyeing it for a while and considered using it for HackBotZ but ended up settling on Ogmo Editor instead. That…
February 2016 Game Plan
If you haven’t read my previous blog post I suggest you do so. This month’s game will be a remake of a game called Buggers! which I did for Ludum Dare 26. My plan is to convert the existing code over to my new framework, update the graphics, add joystick support, more game play elements,…
The Game-a-Month Plan (Focus Daniel-son!)
In an effort to make Pixelbyte Studios more visible and to challenge myself, I’m announcing the game-a-month plan. Kind of like the meal plans at school, only tastier. Between February 2016 and July2016, I will be releasing one free game every month. I have some rules for this experiment: The latest non-beta version of Unity3d…