Category: News

  • The Game-a-Month Plan (Focus Daniel-son!)

    In an effort to make Pixelbyte Studios more visible and to challenge myself,  I’m announcing the game-a-month plan. Kind of like the meal plans at school, only tastier.  Between February 2016 and July2016, I will be releasing one free game every month. I have some rules for this experiment: The latest non-beta version of Unity3d…

  • Ludum Dare 32 is Done

    This weekend I participated in and completed my 18th consecutive Ludum Dare  48 hour competition (Ludum Dare 32). The theme was “An Unconventional Weapon”. Not the most wonderful theme in my opinion, but it provided a canvas for creation. If you’d like to see what I came up with, visit this link.

  • Roboticon is now Available on the iOS store

    After much waiting, it has happened. Roboticon is now available for iOS!