Author: bncastle
Joysticker Pro
I have yet to announce my project for May, and it might be a couple more days before I do so. For the past couple of weeks of April I’ve been working on a redesign of my joystick to keyboard utility called Joysticker. The new version is called Joysticker Pro and it features Lua-based scripting…
A Roundup of Game Engines
This last month of April was a patchwork of different things for me with Ludum Dare 35 appearing in the middle. Before LD35 as I normally do, I took time to look at some alternative tools/languages to the Unity3D C# set that I usually use. The LD competition is a great time to learn something…
Since Last Time
Here’s what I’ve been doing since my last post: PixiCubes was submitted to iOS and it has been approved, so go grab it here for free and leave me a nice review. Looked into the Atomic Game engine which is an interesting free and open-source Javascript game engine that is very Unity3d-Like. Ludum Dare 35…