My current VR plans plus a new game

It has been many months since my last entry here. I’m going to try to do a better job of being more consistent … maybe.  Well since then, “The Seed” interactive fiction experiment took a lot longer than I expected, and it’s still not done. I hope to return to it and finish what I started. I may work on it in parallel with some of my other projects. My main project right now is a Google Daydream VR app in which you operate a gun turret to shoot and mine asteroids, protect your base (which is located on an asteroid) from rogue factions. I have a very rough prototype working and hope to have something more to show in the next few months.

I think the timing for releasing a Daydream app is critical since the market is currently tiny compared to the current glut of mobile games. I considered (and still am) obtaining an HTC Vive, but at this time I think it is a bit too niche. Plus I wanted to get my feet wet with something that I feel might have a wider audience. We’ll see.

I saw a video of an excellent talk at GDC recently that caused me to detour briefly from the VR stuff to revisit one of my older games. I just finished a revamp of PixiCubes done specifically for Christmas. I’ve never tried releasing a holiday-specific game before so I’m interested to see if it goes anywhere. Of course, there is that giant hurdle that all indie games have to overcome, discoverability. I still haven’t figured that one out. If you’re interested in some Christmas picture puzzles, check out PixiCubes: Christmas Edition.

It’s currently available for PC,Mac, Android, and hopefully soon, iOS. I just submitted it to Apple for approval yesterday so we’ll see.




