This past couple weeks I’ve worked on fleshing out my failed 7-day roguelike game: Vengeful. Its been gratifying to see how much I’ve been able to get done, but there is also much to be finished. For some reason though I feel like I’m making more progress than I seem to with some of the other prototypes that I have in my library and that’s a good thing. The first thing I got up and running was a crude inventory system because every roguelike needs an inventory of some kind right? The next thing was implementing path-finding for monsters. This turned out to have a secondary benefit as I was able to use the same path-finding to enable click to move for the player.
Mouse Input Test + Nicer Tiles
The inventory worked pretty well and I continued to find and squash bugs with it. One thing, though, that annoyed me was the use of modal windows when equipping, dropping, or using items.
More inventory stuff, still with modal windows
The next thing I turned my attention to was the lack of a title screen and save-game capability. With some of my previously-written Unity libraries, the user save-game turned out to be pretty easy. The title screen, while fairly simple was fun to do and as an extra benefit, caused me to improve some of my existing library code for screen fades.
The title screen as it is currently
Not bad I thought. The next thing was to improve the inventory and UI system some more. I added some inventory buttons, moved the player’s stats panel to the upper right of the screen and removed the modal windows. Adding items to the game isn’t too difficult but I wanted more flexibility, so I took a look at Moonsharp and integrated it into the game. It’s a version of Lua written in .NET and compatible with Unity. It’s working out quite nicely and now I can do all sorts of interesting things with items and whatnot when I get around to it. Because of the UI changes I was also able to compile and play it for Android. Exciting!
No more modal windows … at least not for the inventory UI
My current dungeon generation uses cellular automata to dig out the level, but today I started looking at a different approach. I’ll leave you with a screenshot of some prototyping I’ve been doing today in regards to that. The little animated guy is just for the prototype … although … some animation would be cool … hmmm …