Pixicubes Week 3
This week went by very quickly with not much visual progress as I was refactoring/fixing much of the non-visual code. You know, the foundation. That critical but unseen chunk of code that makes your application what it is. I did …
This week went by very quickly with not much visual progress as I was refactoring/fixing much of the non-visual code. You know, the foundation. That critical but unseen chunk of code that makes your application what it is. I did …
My March 2016 project is coming along, and I’ve decided to change the name to PixiCubes. I started with my old Ludum Dare Qbers but found it much more satisfying to just rewrite everything. Here’s what has been accomplished in …
With my first month project done and under my belt, I’m now moving on to month # 2. I’ve given it some thought and this month I’ll be doing an update/ remake on my Ludum Dare 19 Entry called Qbers. …